Our church directory is a great resource tool that allows you to get to know our church family better!

Simply go to the App store of your device, search for Instant Church Directory and download the FREE app to begin.

You will use your email address listed in the directory to CREATE A LOGIN the first time you use the directory app.

If you are not listed in the directory, or if you have trouble logging into the app, please contact the church office at

You may also log into the directory on your computer at

There is also an “Edit My Family” feature where you can update your family’s information
as well as update you family photo.

One of our goals at Cornerstone is to provide our congregation with discipleship resources, which is why we’re giving our congregation access to Right Now Media!  To receive FREE access, please email the church office at to request a Right Now Media Invitation Email to get started. 

Cornerstone Baptist Church